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NLD 2.5W Bi-Di Signal Booster Kit Released
NLD 2.5W Bi-Di Signal Booster Kit Released
NLD 2.5W Bi-Di Signal Booster Kit for Released! This is great new for any drone user who always felt that the range were too short :) It is an awesome piece of DIY work for the winter evenings in front of the fireplace.
Rollback Mavic 2 ZOOM/PRO to .100 firmware
Rollback Mavic 2 ZOOM/PRO to .100 firmware
Mavic 2 Zoom/Pro downgrade to 01.00.0100 now possible no matter from which firmware.
We are happy to offer an alternate solution for those of our users who are currently stuck!
Please read the full blog post.
Mavic 2 Enterprise Root Core Board Released
Mavic 2 Enterprise Root Core Board Released
Yes, we did it again, this time for the Mavic 2 Enterprise!
The NLD Permanent Rooted Core board has been released!
With this main core board it is possible to use all our mods on the latest firmware and any future firmware that DJI releases for the Mavic 2 Enterprise.
NLD v. with NLD Core Board Support Released
NLD v. with NLD Core Board Support Released
Today we have some great news to everyone!
We have just released version of the NLD MOD Client that supports our very popular NLD Rooted Core Boards for the Mavic 2 PRO and ZOOM!
Not only is this great news for those who was lucky to get a core board from our first batch but there is also great news for everyone else.
We fixed a lot of minor bugs that has been reported to us, including an extract of issue patterns from our support tickets.
Info for Core-Board Owners
Info for Core-Board Owners
We apologize for the delay of the NLD MOD Client update, but due to DJI changing stuff in the newest firmwares, we have had to re-patch the system files to prevent bricking the core board.
Mavic 2 NLD Rooted Core Board Released
Mavic 2 NLD Rooted Core Board Released
We finally made it and released our OWN Mavic 2 NLD Modded Core Board!
Permanent root with all our mods working on ALL firmware for M2 series, including those not yet released!
Since it is a hardware mod, it can NOT be patched by DJI.
NLD Mod Client release: ver.
NLD Mod Client release: ver.
Oh happy day(or night depending where you are)! We have some good news to update you with. We have been hard at work with revamping the NLD MOD Client with loads of new features.
Enjoy the summer and your drone with our SUMMER SALE! Until the 19th of June 2020 it will be €10 off, we now sell all license keys for only €35! There is not much to say other than its an awesome offer.
The wait for v2 is almost over
The wait for v2 is almost over
We are finally at the stage where we are testing the coming NLD v2! It will be a game changer and well worth the wait. Yes, we know it has been taking forever to get this release done but...
Http 200: Ok
Http 200: Ok
Happy (belated) New Years from everyone at NLD. The slightly geeky headline of this blog post is just a reassurance. We know that lately we have been rather quiet on the blog front, but that we are, as always, still here and have been working hard, despite the festive period.