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Change Log

Hardware Signal FCC Boost patch for Mavic Pro added!
Signal BOOST for M2x all firmwares
NFZv2 for Mavic2x now also eliminating Hard Coded NFZs
Free firmware flashing for all!
Flash own firmware file
Fixed M2 Enterprise bugs
Added Fixed FCC for: 01.00.0200
Fixed FCC Mode for M2
Offline Activation
Bug fixes!
Bugfix rel.
Connection problems fixed
NFZ patch fixed Spark
Remove NFZ patch option Mavic 2
Fully re-written app code
Mavic 2 support
NFZ Patching remade
New solid firmware flasher
HERE Maps Fixed!
NFZ Removal is yet again supported on the latest firmwares! Phantom 4 Advanced also fully supported.
DJI Assistant 2 v. 1.1.2 is no longer required. Overall stability improved. Dialog text improved. Random Access Violation when exiting fixed.
Change Log
Full support for latest Mavic 2 firmware 01.00.0797 added
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Saturday, August 10, 2024
Back to the roots!
NLD is going back to the roots, community driven innovation, the NLD Olympics and a lot of new stuff waiting to burst out of the pipleline....
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